Analysis of organization for a group active
in daily recreation 

The project was to make an analysis of the existing organizational structure and the tasks, responsibilities and powers of the employees, as well as the procedures and the reporting. In close cooperation with the General Manager of the Group, recommendations were formulated in order to better align the organization to the rapid growth of the group.

Due to the rapid growth of the Group, it had already been decided to move from a very decentralized organization to a more balanced organization, for which a number of steps had already been taken in the change process. The analysis showed that a number of important steps in the change process were not yet (fully) taken .

Within the new organizational structure with the shift from decentralized operations to more centralized management, the new roles, tasks, responsibilities and powers within the various functions of the various management teams (local and national) had not yet been clearly identified. The first recommendation was therefore to give priority to that, given its importance for the employees themselves and for their follow-up.

A next recommendation was to review the existing set of objectives and KPIs in accordance to the new roles, duties, responsibilities and powers and to introduce a limited number of objectives and KPIs in each important department, namely security, human resources, operations, commerce and finance, in order to be able to better measure and adjust.
A final recommendation concerned starting up exit interviews with employees leaving the company, given the feedback from those employees can yield important information about the cooperation with the immediate supervisor and the colleagues, the general atmosphere in the department and/or the entire organization and can be used for further improvement.